Note: proposal deadline extended to Friday, September 22, due to Hurricane Irma.
As UCF Celebrates the Arts enters into its fourth year, the Steering Committee is looking to showcase the best in UCF’s students and faculty. The potential for a rich and exciting Celebration rests with ourselves and showcasing bold artistic works from within UCF.
The Steering Committee is looking for requests from the UCF community, for ideas of what could be included for both the 2018 and 2019 Celebrations. The ideas for these events can come out of your classes; outside projects by faculty, students, or alumni; or collaborative works associated with UCF. We want UCF Celebrates the Arts to be a showcase of the best and brightest UCF has to offer. While we will send out another call for proposals for 2019 during Spring semester, we encourage you to submit 2019 ideas now for consideration.
The dates of the festival are April 2-15, 2018 and April 1-14, 2019.
Please note: In order to facilitate a much more thorough collaboration with other departments, being able to more closely marry academic classwork to the event, and overall better planning of the Celebration – we are accepting proposals for both 2018 and 2019.
Central to our focus is:
- Showcasing the work and talents of UCF students and faculty from the College of Arts and Humanities and University-wide
- Presenting events that are interdisciplinary within or beyond the walls of the college
- Presenting 1-3 key events that are large in scope that will attract regional, national, or international attention, and will be attract new audiences to our activities
- Producing innovative events and happenings that can be out-of-the-box
Proposals for inclusion on the Celebration Program will be considered utilizing the guiding questions: (See mission statement following submission request.)
- Is it engaging content that includes the arts at UCF?
- How does it positively affect arts students at UCF?
- Does it involve a partnership with other UCF areas/schools/departments?
- How does it affect the community and our community partners?
- How is it funded, and how does it impact existing income?
- Is it logistically feasible?
Send proposals to UCFCTASteering@gmail.com. Proposals must include:
- Primary contact person(s)
- UCF and community entities involved
- Description of the event/exhibit, including any content that corresponds with the theme
- Community impact statement
- Space this event could best fit into (Lobby, DeVos, Pugh, Disney, lawn, downtown art gallery, other)
- Date and time constraints/requirements
- Number of performers
- Technical needs
- Budget, and where you propose those funds will come from
- Proposal Year: 2018, 2019, or both?
- Any additional information that would give the committee insight to your needs and that may help us make decisions to create the best possible experience for our faculty, students, and patrons.
All entities wishing to be included in UCF Celebrates the Arts MUST submit a proposal to UCFCTAsteering@gmail.com. Deadlines for submission will be Friday, September 22, 2017 at 5 pm.
For questions, contact Michael.wainstein@ucf.edu (please do not submit proposals to this address.)
UCF Celebrates the Arts Mission Statement
The UCF Celebrates the Arts event is an annual showcase featuring an interactive exhibition of student artworks in the areas of Visual and Performing Arts. In addition to the products and performances of the arts units, each year there are projects that demonstrate the arts vital role in innovation, communication and fostering creativity across all disciplines. The festival provides a platform to share with Orlando and the Central Florida region the collaboration that occurs among all the units at UCF and also with our community partners. UCF’s commitment to interdisciplinary activities and partnerships is well established and the festival celebrates these relationships as it demonstrates UCF’s strong positive impact in Central Florida and beyond.