General Call for Papers

Florida Philosophical Review: The Journal of the Florida Philosophical Association calls for papers for general issues at all times of the year for consideration for publication in future issues. We invite submissions from all interested persons both inside and outside the State of Florida. The FPR is published once or twice a year (summer and winter) depending on the number of accepted submissions and is a fully electronic, Internet based publication of the University of Central Florida Department of Philosophy. FPR is an anonymously refereed, indexed publication adhering to standards of professional excellence. We welcome submissions representing a variety of philosophical approaches.

Guidelines for Manuscript Submissions

  • All manuscripts must be submitted in electronic format by e-mail. They are to be prepared for anonymous review and sent as e-mail attachments (.doc, .docx, or .rtf files) to the editors at [email protected].
  • Manuscripts should be prepared following MLA standards and should use endnotes, rather than footnotes. Endnotes should appear directly before any references at the end of the article.
  • Manuscripts will be subject to a blind review process, and the Editors will try to provide some comments to the authors based on the reviewers’ reports, although this may not always be possible.
  • If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will be required to submit a brief biographical sketch and an abstract for the article. The biography and the abstract should be between 200 and 400 words in length each.
  • All accepted articles are subject to copyediting by the Editors, including editing for length and format consistency, as well as editing for content. All changes will be submitted to authors for final approval prior to publication.
  • Since FPR is a fully electronic journal there will be no offprints or copies of journal issues sent to authors.
  • All editorial decisions are final.

Guidelines for Book Reviews

  • The Florida Philosophical Review accepts for consideration both solicited and unsolicited book reviews. We are interested in reviews of books written by, for, or about philosophers that have been published within the last 2 years. However, we also welcome submissions on other recently published books of philosophical interest. If you are interested in writing a review for Florida Philosophical Review, please contact the editors at [email protected].
  • All book reviews must be submitted in electronic format (as .doc or .rtf files). Reviews sent as e-mail attachments should be sent to the editors at [email protected]; reviews sent on disk should be sent to: Nancy Stanlick and Michael Strawser, Editors, Florida Philosophical Review, Department of Philosophy, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-1352.
  • Reviews of single books generally should not exceed 1200 words, although longer review articles may be accepted at the discretion of the editors. Ideally, reviews of single books will be between 800 and 1200 words. Review articles that discuss more than one book should be between 1000 and 1800 words.
  • Every review article should begin by citing the book or books to be reviewed, with full bibliographic information including author(s), copyright date, full title including any subtitle, place of publication, publisher, number of pages, ISBN number, and price in U.S. dollars, if available. For example: Smith, John. 2000. The Philosophy of X. New York: William Morrow and Co. Pp. 239. ISBN 0-688-16844-2. $22.00.
  • References and all other citations of published work in the review itself should follow MLA style guidelines. Endnotes, rather than footnotes, should be used, where necessary. Endnotes should appear directly before any references at the end of the review.
  • Book reviews should include clear, concise, and accurate summaries of books under review. In particular, a review should help readers form a clear idea of the contents of the book under consideration and it should provide a fair and accurate presentation of the theses, arguments, evidence, and methodology of the book. Between one-half and two-thirds of a review article should be devoted to such summary of a book’s contents.
  • Book reviews should also present a reasoned and fair evaluation of the book and its primary arguments and conclusions. Finally, reviews should be respectful in tone, thus promoting understanding and further discussion of the ideas and arguments presented in a book.
  • Please note that Florida Philosophical Review discourages unsolicited submissions of book reviews conducted by students, advisees, colleagues, partners, or personal friends of a book’s author, as such relations place the reviewer’s credibility into question.
  • All accepted reviews are subject to copyediting by the Editors, including editing for length and format consistency, as well as editing for content. All changes will be submitted to authors for final approval prior to publication.

Copyright for all articles and book reviews published in Florida Philosophical Review will be retained by the authors. Permission to use any copyrighted material in review articles must be obtained by the author prior to publication in Florida Philosophical Review.

Florida Philosophical Review © 2008 University of Central Florida.