UCF College of Arts and Humanities
2021-22 Year-in-Review
Our annual review, Spotlight, provides us with an opportunity to celebrate the college’s accomplishments from the past year. There are always many, and this year is no exception. Faculty and students started returning to campus for more classes and events. Our college was wildly successful in UCF’s inaugural Day of Giving. UCF Celebrates the Arts roared back to life after two years of unconventional events. Research events initiatives like the Center for Ethics Speaker Series and multiple Florida Humanities Greater Good grants stood out as successes. We graduated twice as many doctoral students and 27 percent more graduate students overall than our five-year average.
I also look at Spotlight to learn how we can be better. Our historians have demonstrated the importance of looking backwards: It can help us from repeating mistakes, but also it helps us build a stronger future. So, at the end of each academic year, we log the college’s activity into this report and analyze it to see not only where we excelled, but also to help us determine where we are going.
One way we will be moving forward is by aligning with UCF’s new strategic plan: Unleashing Potential. By continuing our work in the college’s exemplary programs and making small adjustments in accordance with this plan, we can help UCF uncover new areas of excellence. Our departments have always been drivers of student success, and the university relies on us to help reach these new goals.
We also continue pushing forward with facilities for performing arts. In the past year, we selected an architect and construction manager for a new space for innovative arts-making, and building plans are underway. We also hired an executive director for fundraising. The building is innovative and exciting – it will generate a trained workforce pipeline for some of Florida’s largest employers and be the home our creative community deserves.
Our faculty and staff are our biggest strength. In this report, you will see how our faculty have contributed to the strength of the college and to the community. Administrative changes have made for a challenging summer for every unit in the college, but I am heartened to see the pressure starting to ease and am confident that the staff in our new business centers and those remaining in the academic units are among the best at the university.
Each and every day, I am thankful to work alongside the people who make this all possible. To our faculty and staff, our students and their families, our alumni and donors, our industry partners and community supporters: Thank you for creating and sustaining the arts and humanities at UCF.

Jeff Moore
Dean, UCF College of Arts and Humanities

With awards from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Florida Humanities, U.S. Department of Education, the National Academy for Sciences and more, UCF researchers in the arts and humanities are committed to deepening knowledge and understanding in their areas of expertise.
Creative activity is also flourishing. On average annually, the CAH faculty publishes approximately 25 books, 160 articles, 55 creative/editorial publications and 15 music compositions and participates in more than 200 conference proceedings, 80 art exhibitions and 190 concerts. In 2021-22, creative activity was presented through a combination of virtual, in-person and hybrid events.
UCF researchers in the arts and humanities are committed to deepening knowledge and understanding in their areas of expertise.
Awards: $1,198,181
5th year in a row breaking the $1 million mark
Proposals: $10,644,855
Up 76 percent from last year

Credit Hours: 232,030
Undergraduate: 225,088
Graduate/thesis: 6,942
First time in college: 130,725
Transfer & other undergraduate: 88,778
Student Count (Fall 2021)
4,767 Total
4,305 Undergraduate
462 Graduate
Degrees Conferred
1,115 Bachelor’s
107 Master’s
15 Doctoral
Departments and Schools
Learn more about the accomplishments of individual college units during the 2021-22 academic year.

Interdisciplinary Programs

The college raised $1,549,432 in private philanthropy (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022).
- 1,016 new donors gave gifts between $1 and $24,000 for a total of $229,253, a 7.7 percent increase.
- 359 alumni donors
- 148 scholarships totaling $131,555 were awarded for an average of $889 each
- On UCF Day of Giving, 500 donors gave $691,605 representing 19 percent of the total raised by the university
- 676 total gifts
- 131 first time donors
- 238 alumni donors
- Average gift was $1,023.09
- 15 challenge and bonus funds won totaling $29,618.42
- 146 CAH employees contributed a total of $143,050 in FY23.
New Funds
- Temple Shalom of Deltona Endowed Scholarship in Judaic Studies
- Ted Greenberg Memorial Scholarship in Creative Writing
- Troy Driggers Music Endowed Scholarship
- Marching Knights Scholarship Fund
- The Lynn McConnell Hepner Scholarship Fund
- Ron and Debbie Dunham Endowed Percussion Scholarship
- Howard and Mary Giurich Endowed Percussion Scholarship
- The Mark Brotherton Memorial Scholarship in Theatre
- The Bud Weber Library of String Instruments Fund
- Stephen H. Goldman Endowed Fund

More than 21,500 College of Arts and Humanities alumni are charging on. From local businesses in Central Florida to cruise ships navigating around the globe and everywhere in between, you can find alumni sharing UCF’s creativity and culture.

Faculty & Staff
Employees by the Numbers
- 56 Professors
- 81 Associate professors
- 46 Assistant professors
- 27 Lecturers
- 17 Associate lecturers
- 13 Senior lecturers
- 23 instructors
- 11 Associate instructors
- 17 Senior instructors
- 1 Faculty administrators
- 63 Administrative and professional staff
- 25 University support and personnel staff
Congratulations to our faculty who have been recognized by the university for their outstanding teaching, research and service.
Story Highlights
SPOTLIGHT is created by
- Heather Gibson ’17MBA, Director of Marketing and Communications
- Matthew Dunn ’03, Graphic Designer
- Brook Miller, Web Developer
- Michael Quwade Bretch ’19, Design Assistant
Photos and editorial content provided by Hannah Estes, Jessica Compton, Bella Miranda, Laura Herrera, Nicole Wills, staff of the CAH Communications Council and UCF Marketing and Communications.