Award-winning poems by Milanés set to music

April 4, 2011 by
Cecilia Rodríguez Milanés’s Everyday Chica has now been set to music. Winner of the 2010 Longleaf Press Poetry Award, Everyday Chica offers readers an evocative poetic rendering of the Cuban-American experience in language so personal and deeply felt that it becomes for readers the universal language of all natives and exiles, of dislocations and homecomings. […]

Sandler and Pugh collaborate on essay of 1950s Hollywood

August 10, 2010 by
UCF Film’s Barry Sandler teamed up with fellow Associate Professor of English Tison Pugh to write an essay for an upcoming book entitled Larger Than Life: Movie Stars of the 1950s. Their essay revolves around the life and work of Montgomery Clift. The book will be released on August 13, 2010. Read the complete article […]

Anna Maria Jones wins 2010 Women's Research Center Award in the Arts and Humanities

May 21, 2010 by
Anna Maria Jones received UCF’s Women’s Research Center 2010 Award in the Arts and Humanities. She becomes the 16th recipient of the annual award initiated in 2002. The award defrays some of the costs of research and production associated with her scholarly research and production of her book-length manuscript Self-Possessed: Gothic Agency and the Haunting […]

CAH seniors inducted into the Order of Pegasus

May 11, 2010 by
Brenna Egan and Nátalia Marques da Silva received the Order of Pegasus, UCF’s most prestigious student award. President John C. Hitt and Provost and Executive Vice President Terry Hickey were in attendance to congratulate the 2010 inductees and assist with the presentation of their award medals. Brenna Egan is a dual major in legal studies […]

2009-2010 Research Incentive Award winners

May 5, 2010 by
The College of Arts and Humanities announces the 2009-2010 recipients of Research Incentive Awards: Mark Kamrath – English Keith Folse – Modern Languages Kristin Congdon – Philosophy See the 2008-2009 RIA award winners.

Saper quoted in The New York Times

April 14, 2010 by
In the April 11 edition of The New York Times Sunday Book Review, Jennifer Schuessler quotes Craig Saper in her review of Bob Brown’s The Readies. Saper is writing a biography of Brown, who Schuessler calls “a godfather of the reading machine” and “nearly forgotten early-20th-century writer and impresario.” An online simulation of Brown’s reading […]

Graduate student presents at 19th Century Studies conference

April 2, 2010 by
Heather Wayne, a student in the Master of Arts in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies program, presented her paper “Gazing Women ‘Becoming’ Objects: The Female Artist Performs Subjectivity in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps’s The Story of Avis” at the Nineteenth Century Studies Association’s annual conference in Tampa, Florida.

Graduate student joins Ph.D. program at USF

April 2, 2010 by
Jessica Masri, a student in the Master of Arts in Literary, Cultural, and Textual Studies program, has been accepted to the Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition program at the University of South Florida beginning fall 2010.

Workman's Article Published in Journal

February 25, 2010 by
Jessica Workman, a student in our Masters in English, Literary, Cultural, and Textual studies program had her article “Forming a National Identity: Reconciling Genres in Susanna Rowson’s Reuben and Rachel” published in the first issue of The Journal of Research on Women and Gender.

Wayne Presents Paper at Conference

February 25, 2010 by
Heather Wayne, a student in our Masters in English, Literary, Cultural, and Textual studies program has recently presented her paper titled: “Interrupted Subjectivity and the Precession of the Gothic in Northanger Abbey” at the 20th Anniversary Aphra Behn & Women in the Arts Conference held at Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tennessee.