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About the Film

Filthy Dreamers is a documentary about women’s history in America, presenting an interesting and evocative case study of their struggle for an equal education and academic freedom. It highlights a microcosm of American society in the 1920s, giving us a window into the rise of religious fundamentalism and the rise of women in American public life. It creates an educational and thought-provoking timeline that highlights the struggle of these “Filthy Dreamers” throughout their fight for an unbiased and equal education. The film features scholars, alumna of Florida’s only college for women in the 1920s, and retired Senator Bob Graham.

Following the verdict of the Scopes Monkey Trial, religious activism swept through the country with the support of many notable figures, such as political powerhouse William Jennings Bryan. This movement made its way to Florida and influenced members of the state legislature to force the then President of Florida State College for Women (FSCW), Edward Conradi, to ban the teaching of evolution, psychoanalysis, and other “controversial” subjects taught by professors such as Raymond Bellamy. Activists, who claimed the school was promoting atheism, called Bellamy, the administration and students at FSCW “Filthy Dreamers.” The school was faced with a dilemma: they wished to provide a valuable education for their students, but the college was a public institution and would be forced to close its doors without state funding.

Filthy Dreamers is a collaborative film made through the History Department, Film Department, and Burnett Honors College at the University of Central Florida in a class called Advanced Documentary Workshop. Over two semesters, undergraduate students led by Dr. Robert Cassanello and Dr. Lisa Mills were given the task of collecting and condensing information, shooting, and editing.

Historical subjects



Watch Filthy Dreamers now!
WUCF/PBS is streaming Filthy Dreamers for free on their website.

View the Film Classroom Materials Grades 3–12

Video Clips

Behind-the-Scenes Photos


Winner of the College Emmy for Documentary

Ramsey Khawaja, Derek Loucks, and Kristina League at the 37th College Television Awards.Filthy Dreamers won an Emmy on Wednesday at the 37th College Television Awards in Los Angeles.

UCF student filmmakers researched, wrote and filmed the documentary which took top honors in its category. The film was created in the 2013 and 2015 advanced documentary workshop class of The Burnett Honors College at the University of Central Florida.

Read more about the award in an article by UCF Today.

Cast & Crew


Connie Lester


Nathaniel Feit as Bellamy
Kristen Keefer, Kristina League and Carmen Malca as the Resolution Women


Robert Cassanello
Lisa Mills

Written and Produced by

Ernesto Calderon
Tiffany Campbell
Emma Duncan
William Chorvat
Louis-Christophe Fortier
Jason Clarke
Carter Howard
Kristen Keefer
Ramsey Khawaja
Kristina League
Derek Loucks
Carmen Malca
Alexander McKeel
Amber Norell
Beverly Nwokoye
Orlando Porro
Michael Reed
Nichole Santana
Shannon Specie
Rachel White
Antony Zeng

Reenactments Directed by

Jason Clarke
Ramsey Khawaja
Kristina League
Derek Loucks
Orlando Porro


Steve Collins
Emma Duncan
Carmen Malca
Christopher Niess
Shannon Specie


Tiffany Campbell
Emma Duncan

Additional Cinematography

Ernesto Calderon
Jason Clarke
Ramsey Khawaja
William Chorvat
Derek Louck
Beverly Nwokoye
Orlando Porro

Edited by

Derek Loucks
Orlando Porro

Assistant Editors

Ernesto Calderon
Ramsey Khawaja
Alexander McKeel

Graphic Design and Photo Restoration

Jason Clarke
Ramsey Khawaja
Kristina League

Website and Social Media

Amber Norell
Nichole Santana
Antony Zeng
UCF College of Arts & Humanities Web Team

Special Thanks

Ansley Cavanaugh
Connie Lester
© 2016 – University of Central Florida
All rights reserved

Contact & Feedback

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